UNESCO Internship programme
The purpose of the UNESCO Internship programme is to offer selected
graduate and postgraduate students in a field related to the work of
UNESCO the opportunity to supplement their academic knowledge with
practical work assignments and to enable them to gain a better
understanding of UNESCO’s mandate and programmes. The duration of an
internship generally ranges between 2 and 6 months.
The programme also allows students of bilingual secretarial
schools/technical institutions to gain practical experience in an
international Organization.
Who can apply for an internship at UNESCO?
Students enrolled in a graduate or post-graduate degree program in a university
or equivalent institution at the time of application. Applicants
pursuing their studies in a country where higher education is not
divided into undergraduate and graduate stages must have completed at
least 3 years of full-time studies in a university or equivalent
institution towards the completion of a degree.
Applicants must be undertaking studies in areas related to UNESCO’s fields of competence
(namely, education, culture, sciences, communication and social
sciences) or in other areas which support UNESCO’s work (such as law,
human resource management, management studies, international relations,