Volunteering Pays
The underlying message of this story is that many employers do not value skills attained through volunteerism as highly as those attained through paid work. But, more important, I am concerned that other readers may have misinterpreted the message to be that volunteerism is a wasted effort.

Volunteerism is not a wasted effort simply because it may not result in monetary return. Volunteerism is a commodity that cannot be measured in a monetary sense. Everyone involved in volunteerism, employed or unemployed, comes away with a sense of accomplishment. The person giving, the person receiving and the community as a whole all benefit.
Also, a job search is not simply defined by resumes and interviews; it is a process that often can evolve into a trying experience. Through volunteerism, an unemployed jobseeker can be provided with a sense of identity and purpose as well as motivation to continue during a time when spirits are low. The after-effects of these benefits can offer a job applicant something priceless--a positive attitude when entering an interview.
Volunteerism is never in short supply but always in high demand. Its benefits always come full circle, 10 times over. The bottom line is that it's a win-win situation for everyone. It does pay.
March 01, 1996|By Juli Ann Zaklan. CHICAGO — Regarding the story headlined "It just doesn't pay/Volunteer work counts for little in job search" (Your Money, Feb. 23):
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